

… are some of the words I would use to describe Tanou’s delivery of Qi Gong…Tanou created an awesome playful kindergarten for my awareness to enjoy…thanks a bunch for my daily morning sessions and for the connectedness to nature they inspired

… if I was able to stand my ground in front of others, openly, sincerely and within my coherence. Even though that sometimes I couldn´t understand everything that was said, it wasn´t that important because the un-spoken energy that was created in every session, helped me empower myself to face the challenges that a life in a foreign country brings. Tanou leads every session from the heart and that inspired me to keep opening my heart as well.

… and to a deeper connection with my own body. That gives me the possibilty to always again find stillness and peace that unites me with my core. Tanou lives by example how a gentle connection with ones body leads to power, dynamic and at the same time to equanimty and profundity. I am deeply grateful for these impulses.

… and had my resistances melt. His presence together with his deep connection to the topic weave a special pattern in the group: very quickly Life-Force starts to flow, one that is deeply grounded and has you connect to the cosmos. A hearty thank you


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